From any background, all children deserve equitable access to an education that enables them to reach their highest potential.
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We believe every individual holds unique capacities to impact the betterment of the world, and education releases that capacity.
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Our aim is that 100% of students in LCI programs will attain post-secondary degree and/or certificate pathways of their choice toward meaningful and life sustaining careers.
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We advance student success by aligning and mobilizing educational systems and partners to optimize opportunities for students to achieve post secondary and career attainment.
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Welcome to the Learning Collaborative Institute (LCI)

We are a research-practice institute with a decade of positive outcomes in supporting equity-focused education collaboratives. We provide research and technical assistance to strengthen and align institutional systems to generate greater equity outcomes and educational attainment for underrepresented populations.

Each of our projects is called a Learning Collaborative and consists of leaders, learners, researchers, and practitioners representing a place-based or priority-focused group of school districts, colleges, universities, education-focused organizations, and workforce partners. Learning Collaboratives all share a common, equity-focused purpose: to facilitate the advancement of all students, particularly underrepresented students, to and through college and into life sustaining and impactful careers.

Across these equity-focused Learning Collaboratives, LCI provides technical assistance for effective collaboration and research support for partners to articulate and align systems and practices to advance shared goals, as informed by student voice and student data. Our validated Framework© for collaboration enables Partners to co-create and execute evidence-based strategic plans in each Collaborative to equitably advance all students, particularly low-income, first-generation populations, and students of color, through PK-12 and postsecondary education and into viable career fields and meaningful work.

In 2015, researchers and practitioners at LCI helped to establish the pioneering Regional Learning Collaborative (now called LC @ Pomona) – our first Learning Collaborative – at the Claremont Graduate University Evaluation Center, to address the startling statistic that only 14% of graduates from a neighboring district who enrolled in their local community college succeeded in earning college credits. Working together with Pomona Partners, using the validated LCI Framework© for evidence-based, collaborative social action, that ratio improved to 85% in only two years.

Through our deep and impactful work with educational ecosystems across the country, we create a ripple effect of positive change that equips and inspires today’s educational leaders to promote educational equity and social justice for generations to come.

Our Technical Assistance Services

Development of intersegmental and cross-sectoral collaboratives for student success

Facilitation of all aspects of collaborative operations

Development of data sharing and data management systems for collaboratives

Research and evaluation for evidence-based strategic planning, progress monitoring, and continuous improvement of collaborative strategies and outcomes

Bill Scroggins

Former President of Mt. SAC
The Pomona Regional Learning Collaborative provided the spark which ignited our partnership with Pomona Unified School District in the areas of dual enrollment credit classes during the school year and graduation credit recovery classes in summer. As a result, PUSD student graduation rates and college going rates have increased measurably.

Richard Martinez

Former Superintendent of
Pomona Unified School District
The commitment that has been demonstrated through the Regional Learning Collaborative is focused on preparing all students for a college environment, whether or not they enter immediately after high school. It is important that we continue improving opportunities for all students in the region to access post-secondary education.

Terri Gomez, Ph.D.

Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Cal Poly Pomona
The RLC has led the region in transformative change by bringing all stakeholders together to collaborate and inter-segmentally work to address challenging issues facing under-served students. Through their leadership and vision, local high school students have gained access to dual enrollment opportunities that are critical to ensuring equity and success in higher education.  Cal Poly Pomona is grateful to be included in this student-centered regional collaborative committed to systemic change.

Stephanie Baker

Former Deputy Superintendent of
Pomona Unified School District
Phenomenal! That is the word I would use to describe this team. I am so proud of the commitment to underrepresented students of color and students of poverty that this team has dedicated to the city of Pomona….These efforts will have lasting impact for generations of students and families in this region.

Our Evidence-Based Approach

We have a proven approach to improving college outcomes for high school graduates that begins early in students’ educational continuum, leverages student voice and student data, and engages leaders to drive systemic changes that support student advancement.

Student-Centered Vision

Vision of meaningful and equitable post-secondary attainment for all students.


Engage all stakeholders in inclusive, evidence-based practices.

Data Neutrality

Trusted as being unbiased and data-driven with a single agenda: Student success.


Collaboration, transparency, and diverse perspectives mobilize powerful action.


Strategic planning and implementation, ongoing feedback, evaluation, and optimization.

Evidence-Based Strategic Priorities

Our proven model of success focuses on core strategic priority areas with the greatest improvement in student outcomes.

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Research & Resources

We offer educators, counselors, students, and families a variety of effective, research-based resources and tools.


News & Recognitions

The work of LCI in the LC@Pomona (formerly known as Regional Learning Collaborative) was awarded the 2022 California Educational Research Association (CERA) Research-Practice Partnership Award for exemplary collaboration between researchers and practitioners resulting in improved student equity outcomes in California.


See Our Results

When research revealed only 14% of a neighboring high school’s graduates who enrolled in their local community college went on to complete credit-bearing college courses, we knew we had to help. With a student-centered, collaborative, and evidence-based approach, we achieved 85% college course enrollment in just two years.


LCI Funders

Various aspects of the work of the Learning Collaborative Institute are funded by organizations whose goals include continuously improving evidence-based strategic plans for post-secondary student success. Current and past funders include: